A brief overview of Togo


Like other African countries, Togo was the subjct of dispute between different band and tribes. The Germans were the first Europeans to establish themselves in Togo at the end of the 19th Century. The country owes its name to the little village of Togoville, where a treaty of protectorship was signed in 1884 between king Mlakpa and Germany. After the surrender of the German forces at the end of World War I, Togo was shared between Britan and France ; their mandate was recognized by the League of Nations in 1922, and was ratified by the United Nations in 1946. in 1956, ex-British Togo was attached to the Gold Coast ( which itsell became Ghana in 1957, after achieving independence ). On August 30th of the same year, the Republic of Togo was proclaimed ( internal autonomy ). 27 April, 1960 : Proclamaion of independence ( admission to UNO on 20 September ).


Togo, 600 kilometers long and 45 to 150 km wide, is bounded to the West by Ghana, to the North by Upper Volta, to the East by Bénin, and to the South by the Atlantic ocean. It covers an area of 56,600 square kilometres.

Topography: Togo is crossed from Northeast to South-West by extensions of the Atakora mountain range. This range called locally “ Month Togo” is culminating at an altitude of 1,020 meters ( Mont Agou ).

Hydrography: To the North of this range is an extensive plain through which flows the Oti, a tributary of the Volta ; to the East and South lies another plain, through which flows the Mono.

Vegatation: The coastal area in the South is covered by immense coconut palm plantations. In the East, the savana offers interesting possibilities for the cultivations of trees and palms. Forest grow in the mountains and on the river banks.

Pratical Information

Togo has a tropical climate. It is influenced by two winds, the South-West Monsoon, whish is moistureladen from the Ocean and brings rain, and the harmattan, a dry North-East wind, dustladen, which is sometimes hot and sometimes cold and brings dry weather. The hottest weather is at the end of the dry season before the first rains. The South has two rainy seasons: the main one is from may to July and the other from September to October. This area has less precipitation however than the North. The North has a single rainy season from April to October.

Clothing : Lighweight, practical clothing may be worn all the year around. Takealong woollens and a raincoat.

Local time : G.M.T.


Crossroad country, Togo offers a large variety of different and interesting landscapes.

1- Maritime area

Lomé is weel-known along the whole Benin Gulf coast for its fine sans beaches and its shady promenades along the sea. 30 km away from Lomé, you will discover the village Agbodrafo, named Porto-Seguro by the Portuguese sailors; there, on the Togo lake, splendid water spread bordered with a sacred forest, you will practice: sailing, waterskiing, before relaxing the hotel “le Lac”. 15 km more and you will reach Aneho, historical city and former capital of Togo in the colonial period

Mono banks :

Mono river, one of major Togo rivers, has innumerable curious sights : Mono washer-women.

From Tokpli, village located on the Mono, you will reach the Togodo forest full of does, wart-hogs and monkeys.

2- Table-lands area :

With a sweet and fresh climate.

Kpalimé and its surroundings :

Agou Peak : 986 meters high, highest point of Togo can be climbed on by fair weather. In the valley : industrial breeding in Avétonou, craftsmen center in Tobé.

Also to be visited :

-National forests : Missahoe, atilajoutsé, Kpimé.

-Vial castle and Kevuvu bat caves.

-Danyi table-land with wawas and irokos forest.

-Kpimé waterfalls.

-Dzogbegan monastery....etc....